Monday, June 28, 2010


This past weekend we decided to get out of the city to enjoy some nature.  We planned a quick day trip to Harrimen State Park for a picnic by the lake.  A cool breeze, some shade, and lake view sounded just right.  Our plans changed however, when we remembered that the Gay Pride Parade was coming through the West Village, closing down all the neighborhood streets and bringing in the crowds.  Our fear of getting stuck in traffic with a crying baby, grounded us in Manhattan.  Instead we took the C Train up to Central Park and found a perfect grassy knoll under a canopy of trees in Strawberry Fields.  Manhattan's most precious slice of nature.  Just north of John Lennon's Imagine Memorial and away from the crowds, we found an ideal spot for reading, napping, and for, of course, eating strawberries.

We dressed Annabelle in a dude outfit in celebration of gay pride.

1 comment:

Adrienne Lee Bell said...

What a great day trip! Looks like fun!