Thursday, September 9, 2010


After 2 1/2 weeks in California, Annabelle and I returned to New York last night.  We were sad to leave behind our friends and family, but very excited to see Nathan (Pappi) who was requesting our presence at home.  One of the last text messages he sent read:  "She is huge, bring her home" in response to a photo I had emailed him.  Annabelle did, in fact, have a growth spurt while we were gone.  At today's doctor appointment she weighed 11 lbs, 6 oz.  She is officially out of her newborn clothes and ready for the 3-6 month wardrobe.  Most exciting is she has officially graduate from her sleep sack, to "big girl" pajamas with feet, to keep her toes-ies warm.  Annabelle traveled like a champ for her second trip to Cali and will be an old veteran by the time we leave for two upcoming weddings in a few weeks.  Today, following Annabelle's doctor's appointment we are both a bit tired.  Annabelle seems a bit confused by the time change and a nap is definitely on the schedule for both of us.  Then it is off to Chelsea Market to prepare appetizers for Seder Dinner tonight at Mia's.  The stacks of laundry and mail, cleaning and unpacking will have to wait for another day.  More on our fabulous trip later.  XO.

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