Sunday, March 16, 2008


Okay. So on Monday night my boss, Sean, arranged for four members of the PureOlogy crew to attend a “tasting” at Christie’s. Christie’s, the world renown art business and fine arts auction house, sits comfortably in Rockefeller Plaza in a state-of-the art facility which reeks of old money and rare art. Sean is friends with the Manager in charge of catering and events, who is interested in doing events with L’Oreal in the future. Steph, representing the Education Department, and Kiki, Sean and myself representing US Marketing, made our way into the building and upstairs past the latest exhibit of Japanese kimonos.

Once inside the tasting room we were greeted by our host who ever-so-graciously took our coats and offered us a drink. His recommendation: Christie’s signature drink, an absinth and green apple martini. Sounded delicious, we were in. When our host returned with our cocktails we dove into conversation about the types of events L’Oreal typically hosts and our potential fit with Christie's. Next came the fun part... the tasting.

Mushroom crostini, roasted vegetable wraps, and decadent kobe beef sliders circulated the room on silver trays while an elegantly dressed table staged huge platters of divine looking delectables. We made our way over to the main table where we came face to face with pepper-crusted seared ahi with a myriad of sauces, a chilled seafood platter filled with scallops, shrimp, oysters, and calamari as well as a few choice salad varieties.

I set my absinth and green apple martini glass down on the table and proceeded to pick up an appetizer plate and serving spoon. I arranged a delightful sampling of food on my little plate. Suddenly, I heard Sean yell, “Cath, your drink!” Oh dear. I looked down to see that the cocktail napkin that was only seconds before clinging to the condensation of my martini, was in full flames from the tea light candles adorning the table. With both hands already occupied, I dumbly froze, unable to react. I stood in shock as my napkin ignited into a ball of fire below me.

Luckily, Sean, with his cat-like reflexes came to the rescue. Like a magician, he made a grab for the ball of fire, quickly smothering it in the palm of his hands. Surprisingly enough the entire incident went relatively unnoticed. Our host, Sean’s friend, did not seem too concerned once all were out of immediate danger. He was merely thankful that the sprinkler system did not go off. Can you imagine? I can see the headlines now. “Hundreds-of-thousands-of-dollars-worth of art and Japanese kimonos destroyed at a tasting event at Christie’s Auction House on Monday, when a potential client accidentally set fire to her napkin on a decorative candle.” Yikes.

The incident was quickly forgotten by most, but somehow, I don’t think my co-workers will ever let me live it down. “Cathi, we can’t take you anywhere!” Some things never change.

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