Monday, December 21, 2009


We have now hit the 4 month mark. Time is moving so quickly! Week 16 was greeted with the largest snow storm I have seen to-date in NYC. Saturday brought about 12-14 inches of snow to blanket the streets with perfect white powder. We got outside in our boots Sunday morning to explore the winter wonderland and buy a few last minute Christmas presents.
View from our bedroom
Hudson River Park

As for the baby, it is now the size of an avocado. It may be coincidental, but we happen to eat avocado twice over the weekend because the Chelsea Market (TT) had some fabulous looking ripe Haas variety flown in from somewhere warm. Anyway…my reading tells me that I should brace myself for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks our baby will double its weight and add inches to its length – hello maternity clothes. Right now its head is more erect than it has been and its ears are close to their final position. The little sprout even has toenails. Crazy. As for me, I am feeling fab and am excited to head back to California for the Holidays. We have our second ultra sound on Wednesday, just before we fly out. Rumor has it we will find out at this appointment if it is a boy or a girl. We plan to have the technician write it down the results in a card so we can save the ultimate surprise for Christmas morning. I’ll keep you posted. Happy Holidays and safe travels!

Friday, December 18, 2009


This morning on my way to work, I looked up as I passed a Starbucks to see a slew of winter-ish slogans in the window. The one that stuck out to me read, "I wish grown-ups could remember being kids (TT)." Looking back I remember thinking the same thing and all the things I would try to remember when I became an adult. Things like:
  • Its okay to go play in the rain, even if I get a little wet
  • A mid-night snack is always fun
  • Staying up chatting at a sleepover is expected, even if I am grumpy the next day
  • The world just sounds better with music in the background
  • Most drinks taste better out of straws
  • Grass stains aren't the end of the world and are evidence that I played hard
  • French braids rock
  • Always add extra cherries wherever possible
  • Cleaning my room can wait until tomorrow
  • Travel size hotel shampoos from adult trips make bath-time extra special
  • Nylons are uncomfortable and nerdy
  • Car games make the road trip go faster
  • Build forts
  • The best time to swim in the ocean is in the late afternoon, when it is almost time to go
  • Ocean swims are the best with dad
  • "Life's not fair" is not what I want to hear when I'm upset
  • Sitting on wax paper while going down slides makes you go super fast
  • Babysitters are cool - parents should go out alot
  • Things that are a slightly dangerous often make for the best adventures
  • S'mores
  • Sleep outside in summer time
  • Adults should save adult clothes (particularly dresses) for kids to play dress up in
  • A little sand indoors never hurt
  • Bubble bath
  • No one is to old for hide-and-seek
  • The more Christmas lights the better
  • Bike riding is a vehical to freedom.

    I am sure there are many more things I thought over the years, but no longer remember. As I am about to become a mom, I hope I can look back and remember what it is like to be a kid and put myself into his/her shoes. Life as a kid is magical - remember to be a big kid at heart.

Monday, December 7, 2009


So today marks week 14 for the little sprout. I thought I would post a pic of my progress, since I am now beginning to show. It is getting tougher to dress for work, which means I will likely break the news very soon to my boss (rumor has it she is on to me anyway)! According to my pregnancy books, our baby is about the size of a peach. Sprout is beginning to practice inhaling and exhaling motions in the womb that send the amniotic fluid in and out of the lungs. Our baby’s arms have reached their final proportions to the body and it is easily testing out its newly found reflexes. As for me, last night was my first episode of heart burn after an over-indulgent dinner at the Spotted Pig. I probably should have skipped desert, but the banofee pie (banana-toffee) was way too tempting and delicious.


This past weekend we made our first baby purchase. We found this antique grandfather rocker at a vintage furniture warehouse behind the naval yard in Brooklyn. We thought it would be a perfect addition to our living room and the perfect piece to rock the baby to sleep. After a little clean up with my favorite wood miracle, Nanchez solution, our rocker is ready to rock.


Well…rainbows at least! The only unicorn we saw was on the crust of the apple pie (courtesy of a cookie cutter ) at Thanksgiving Dinner thanks to Celsea and Carly. The beautiful horses are a few of Diane and Michael’s Arabians. After a long walk around the property to help burn off some of the leftovers, we ended up in the pasture to feed the horses some carrots. Pictured above are Kim and Ron Vandenburg (TT’s) and below more of the Thanksgiving crew…

Sunday, November 29, 2009


This Thanksgiving we have something extra special to be thankful for. Baby Ellis will be making his or her debut on June 5th and we could not be more thrilled! Truly the best treasure we could ask for. After 12+ weeks, we happily announced the news on Thanksgiving to our friends and family. We had our first ultra sound on Monday and so far our little sprout appears healthy and quite active. Nathan and I were both surprised to see the little one flailing its little arms and legs and doing Bruce Lee karate chops as well as sucking on its fingers. Amazing. Here are our baby's first pics.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


It was one of those perfect fall days where the sky is a crisp blue and there is a chill in the air but not so cold you have to bundle. Nate and I decided to take the Subaru for a minor exploration to find some hiking trails outside of the city and possibly catch the last of the fall foliage. Just 45 minutes outside of NYC we found this incredible spot called Harriman State Park (TT). There were deer, gorgeous lakes, and best of all fresh air. We hiked about 5 miles, had a picnic lunch in the sun and refreshed our soles. We missed the best of the leaves, but enjoyed it all the same. Next year we will plan a hike for the 3rd week in October - gorgeous!

Sunday, September 27, 2009


One of my favorite pics of the summer taken by our dear friend, Alex (TT), captures one of our many lazy days on the Atlantic shore.


Last May, Nate and I moved into a new apartment just across the street from our original West Village place. This new apartment afforded us a little more space to breath, and of course,the opportunity to decorate. How you decorate your home ends up being an expression of who you are, the life you live and your own personal style. As we grow older and move from place to place, I notice our home reads like a piece of our history together. Slowly we have acquired tokens from trips we have taken, photographs we love, furniture bought or acquired, and all with stories behind them or attached with special meaning to us (TT's). Though these things are just material items, they are artifacts of memories we have shared. Arranging all these artifacts into a new space is always such fun. I recently discovered a website/blog called design* which I guiltily found myself lost in for a few hours at a time. My favorite feature on the site is called sneak peak, which gives and inside look at peoples' apartments or homes with accompanying editorial about how they came to choose certain items, and the history behind their select styles. As I look around our apartment, I see so many little histories:

The mid-century credenza was my father's bedroom furniture when he was a kid and later was my brother, Robbie's, growing up.

The tiny green ceramic pots that my brother, Jamie, made in art class in high school now houses our cactus garden in the bathroom.

The periwinkle chair, that we swore we would re-upholster, was a New York antiquing discovery. The little wooden bench side table I swooped up on Waverly Place when I was walking home one night. The painting in the background was a wedding gift to my parents from one of my grandma's painter friends back in the 70's.

The desk in our office nook was a rusty work bench I pilford from the alley behind our beach house in Newport. I sanded it down and painted it red. It has made the move to the last 5 places we have lived. The kitchen stool from the 50's was one of Nate's flea market finds in Brooklyn.
The white fiber glass deer head, the notorious White Mike, that adorns our hallway (not shown) has a history worthy of its own blog post alone. More on that later. These are the things that make our home sweet home.


If my blog was a journal like a I used to keep, I would have had to pull it off the shelf, brush the dust away, creak open the cover and ask myself where did I last leave off? When I clicked on my blog page this morning I felt a sense of stagnancy and journal abandonment. I needed a fresh look, a fresh start. Maybe it is the change of the season into fall, or the fact that it is a dark and rainy day, but I felt the urge to begin anew to let my creativity flow to allow my self to be inspired. I needed an update - a fresh home page and new intro, to get me started. Life is busy, and I craved a relief to the guilt I feel from not updating this blog with my latest adventure, but rather use this blog as a creative outlet to share those tangible treasures in everyday life.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Today is March 2nd, and you know what they say...March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. It has not stopped snowing since 8:00 last night. They are expecting almost a foot in the city! Today is the first day in five years that New York City school have been shut down. Too bad we have to go to work... Here are some photos in front of our apartment this morning. Brrr...