Wednesday, April 27, 2011


About a year ago, Senior Management decided that morale was low in the office, so they decided to offer employees one "work from home day" a month.  Since returning from maternity leave I have been strategically planning my days to fall on Wednesdays, when my mom's group meets in the late afternoon.  Without the commute from the office, I am easily able to catch the second half.  Today was one such Wednesday that worked out just beautifully.  The weather was in the 70's so we took the playgroup outdoors to the river.  I didn't make it to mom's group last month, so I had not seen the babes in almost two months.  What a difference two months makes!  Babies were crawling, walking, clapping, and babbling about.  Annabelle was loving playing barefoot in the grass and loved trying to eat the grass even more.  It was so refreshing to catch up with my friends, visit with the kiddos and chat in the sunshine.  Looking forward to my next "work from home day."
Capri, Finn, & Annabelle - All 11 months


adrienne lee bell said...

She is so cute! I can't wait til June. Love the polka dots.

Tegan Henry said...

i'm pretty sure i'm starting to see some seriously strong Bell traits in that little face of hers ;)