Thursday, August 25, 2011


Our Internet has been down since Saturday which has been extremely frustrating.  No checking the weather, email, blogging, WNYC in the mornings, looking up recipes, etc.  Funny how reliant we have become.  We have literally been off the grid and now I feel is though there is so much to catch up on.

Last week was a particularly big week for Annabelle.  She has officially joined the ranks of the walkers.  Walking is something that took a while for her to master.  She was not one of those babies you always hear about that just automatically grasp the concept of walking.  In fact even in the airport on the way here, a complete stranger shared with me, “The second we put shoes on little Wally he was off and about!”  Well, not Annabelle.  She definitely took her time and true to her careful nature still hates when she takes an unexpected spill. 

Before we left New York, Annabelle was definitely on her way.  She would walk across the living room back and forth to our outstretched open arms  (mind you, our living room was far from big).  Even at JFK when we were waiting to board she was taking a few solo steps here and there.  As soon as we landed in France however, all attempts to walk were aborted.  She was back to extremely content on all fours. I head read that some babies just take their time – one step forward, two steps back so to speak.  It wasn’t until last Wednesday, however that Annabelle decided she would join the ranks of the walkers.   We were attending a BBQ of a friend-of-a-friend out in Hossegor.  We placed Annie E. in the yard with the other kids (all a bit older) and kept an eye out as we socialized with the adults.  Low and behold, after an hour of watching the older kids run around her, we saw her pull herself up to a stand, hold out her arms in a zombie-like position, and waddle her way across the yard veering left the whole way until she eventually fell on her bootie.  Outstanding.  Then, a few days later in San Sebastian, she gave a repeat performance, only this time she didn’t stop.  We were attempting to get her to walk to Nathan, when she veered right and with some speed took off across the lawn chasing some little girl’s Dora the Explorer ball.  Below is a clip from her San Sebastian walk.  She is getting more and more confident with her steps and it is fun to watch her little wheels turn.  When she wants to get moving, she starts to squat as if going to crawl and then remembers she can walk, stands up straight and takes her sweet little steps.  Everyday her walking improves and I am sure soon she will be running away from us. 

A couple of other achievements on the trip so far: she has learned to climb up onto the sofa, she can get off the bed and sofa by going “feet first”, and in the bath she understands “tilt your head back” as to not get soap in the eyes.  Little milestones that make us so proud.  We love you Annie E.  

1 comment:

cbooser said...

What a cutie pie!! And that hair!! xoxxo