Saturday, February 4, 2012


There is a new baby on the way.  I am thrilled to be an aunt for third time only this time to Adrienne and Josh’s baby girl!  With her due date looming on the horizon in May, we have all been busy preparing.  It has been such fun picking out patterns and colors, sharing names, looking at baby things, helping with the registry, and even bra shopping. Typical of most younger sisters, I have had the benefit of watching my older sister experience things first and have been able to learn secondhand what to do (and, in some cases, what not to do) before I was actually in said situation. With babies, however, the roles have been reversed.  As the younger sister with an older baby girl, I have been able to share my own personal experiences as a new mom – and hopefully not annoyingly so.  She has reminded me of all those little things, that somehow you conveniently forget after delivery – for example, how there has not been a lotion invented that can quite soothe the itch of an endlessly stretching belly in the middle of winter, or that it IS really possible to have to pee 20 times a day.  Adrienne is about half way through her pregnancy and I am so happy to be geographically close enough to see her often.  Each week her tiny baby bump continues to grow along with our excitement.  What I am most excited about is that Annie E. will have a gal pal to love, befriend, and pave the way for. I look forward to many girl trips, dress-up, baking, sleepovers and hand-me-downs.  Although Annie looks at me confused when I point to Ade’s belly and say, “there’s a baby in there,” I know she will be thrilled to meet her new baby cousin.  Counting down the days until the little peanut arrives.

Adrienne and Annabelle Lee, 2 months old

1 comment:

a2zbaby said...

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