Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Thursday afternoon I met with my boss and my maternity leave replacement for one final review of my project list.  We reviewed everything I anticipated completing by my last day (which is this coming Friday) and what I planned to transition over to my replacement.  As we left the meeting my boss commented that we seem to be in a great place and that she appreciates all the training I have done to bring her up to speed.  For the last three weeks I have had my replacement shadow me and have spent countless hours with her giving her the in's and out's of my job. 

I had a couple of extra vacation days to use up before the 31st, so I opted for a four day weekend.  When I returned back to work this morning, there was an email from my boss, saying "come see me in my office as soon as you get in."  Yikes.  I immediately made my way to her office.  As soon as the door was safely shut behind me, she divulged the news that my replacement had QUIT on Monday!  Today was her last day!  Frustration set in - not only was she leaving the team in a lurch, but I could not help but think what an utter waste of time all the training I had done with her was.  Now with just 2 1/2 days of work left, we not only don't have trained replacement, we don't have a replacement at all!  I am sad for my team and the position they will be left in.  The only saving grace is my coordinator rocks and I know she will step up to the plate.  I owe her big!  I guess even when you have the most solid plan, the unexpected can so easily throw you off your rocker.  

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