Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Any day now our girl will arrive.  This morning I woke up crampy and have felt so for most of the day.  Perhaps it is a sign she is coming tonight, or tomorrow or the next day?  Or it could be those pesky Braxton Hicks.  Rather than sit around on my first day on maternity leave, I strapped on my running shoes for a long walk.  Then I took off to run some errands, followed by lunch and a pedicure.  Next, I put all my pic in albums from 2006 - 2007.  I still have to organize and order the New York years.  Perhaps tomorrow!  Now I am making cookies to use for ice cream sandwiches.  Not bad for a 40 week pregnant chick.  While running errands today, I received my favorite stranger comment to-date.  Some dude at the cross walk said, "Good job mama, nice legs." Hah!  Funny considering I have definitely started waddling and still have a bad case of cankles.

Nate and I spent most of this past Memorial Day weekend eating out, visiting friends and doing stuff couples without children do.  Aside from, the nesting of course.  We attempted to go to beach on Sunday, but the traffic was terrible and the beach parking lot full - we opted to turn around and headed back to the city where we scrubbed the home and worked on an art project, that will eventually be the mobile hanging above our baby girl's crib.  Yesterday we got an earlier start and beat the traffic to the beach.  We spent the afternoon relaxing and people watching.  Then off to a BBQ at a friend's new shop.  One of Nate's co-workers recently opened a bridal boutique called Lovely in an old brownstone around the corner from our house.  It is one of those darling boutiques that makes you want to get married all over again, or at least plan a dazzling wedding.  Lanie and her husband, Chris, have done an amazing job remodeling and decorating the store and they have one of those West Village "secret garden" backyards behind the store that they hosted the BBQ at.  Delightful.

I am excited that tomorrow my mom arrives to visit, and on Wednesday Grandma Diane arrives.  We hope our little one will make an appearance soon, so the G-Mas can get optimum time with the little one.  That's all for now...

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