Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Today Annabelle had her 1 month doctor visit and her 2nd big weigh in.  She is up to an even 8 lbs., which according to the doctor, is right on track.  Nice job, girl - we must be doing something right.  We also addressed her "goopy eye" and the slight case of baby acne that is beginning to appear.  The doctor assured us both are just a phase that she will eventually grow out of. Coupled with her receding hairline, we are hoping this is true.  She is still a beauty though to us.

A. also had her first vaccination shot which she handled like a champ.  I think it was harder for me than it was for her.  She let out a cry, but then as soon as I picked her up she stopped.  What a brave girl.  She now sports a blue band-aid that matches her outfit nicely.

I decided to feed her before we hopped a cab home, since she doesn't like her car seat and the doctor warned me that the shot may make her fussy.  Car seat + hungry baby who had a shot = miserable commute home.  I headed to the "breast-feeding" corner of the doctor's office that offers privacy for moms.  That is until some dad had the audacity to hang out there with his wife and baby.  There we were, a group of 5 women with our boobs out, and some dude thinks it is okay to join!?  Not okay.  Ladies, please have husbands wait in the regular waiting room!  He may have seen you whip your boob out a million times, but for those of us who are not married to him, this made for an uncomfortable situation.  I saw a few of the other moms attempt to cover themselves and a few moms repositioned their babies to ward off any peep shows.  To make matters worse he jumped into the conversation and was attempting to talk to us as if we were at an open house!  A few moms, including me, decided snack time was over and as nonchalantly as possible fastened our nursing bras, buckled in our babies, and made our exit.  Have some respect, dads.  Stay out of the breast-feeding zone.  Girls only. 

1 comment:

Tegan Henry said...

funny post! gorgeous pic :)