Monday, October 25, 2010


Yesterday was the West Village Infant/Toddler Parade at Bleeker Street Playground.  Kids, and some parents too, dressed up in their Halloween digs for trick-or-treating, music, playtime, pictures and hayrides.  Annabelle was a bit too little to enjoy most of what was going on, but we had a good time putting her in her 'Bananabelle' costume and meeting up with our friends and their babies. We are looking forward to a couple more Halloween festivities next weekend so Bananabelle will be back.

Here are the ladies con kiddos:  Wendy with Jackson (cow), Me with A. (banana), Jen with Carson (skunk), Maureen with Violet (Cat and the Hat).  The festivities were a little much for Violet.  She opted for a cat nap.

1 comment:

Lyman's said...

Love Bananabelle!!!!!!
So adorable seeing you and all your mommy friends.