Saturday, October 9, 2010


So going cold turkey is for the birds.  We did okay last night with our attempt at skipping the feed, though not great.  I am too much of a softie to truly let Annabelle cry it out.  She woke up at 5:00 and we gave her the paci.  She dozed off until 5:20 when she woke again.  I gave her the paci for a second time and she slept until 5:40 when she woke up again, this time hungry.  She began to cry and it was killing me.  Bruce and Walter went into the room and began pacing in front of the crib.  Her crying was clearly concerning them too.  After 5 minutes I picked her up and fed the poor child.  We didn't quite make it until 6:00, but then again Annabelle doesn't know how to tell time.  All she knows is she is hungry and I, as her mother, want to provide.  So much for tough love.  My new strategy is we will ease into it and try to get her to go a little later each night.  On a happy note, she seemed to not mind ditching the swaddle.  She fell asleep no problem.  I am finding sleep is a tricky thing and everyone has their own opinion on what's best.  You don't know until you try and we will continue on searching for the strategy that works best for Annabelle.  It is not worth breaking both our hearts and I have no doubt she will get there eventually. 

1 comment:

Tegan Henry said...

loma jane night nursed until she was almost 2 years old! i'm sure you three will figure out what's best. and then as soon as you do, it'll all change ;)

hearts, t