Saturday, November 6, 2010


Since Annabelle was about 8 weeks old we have been hitting up a mom/baby yoga class at Karma Kids Yoga.  She seems to love it and I even get a tiny bit of a workout.  One of the songs we sing in the class is the yogi version of the Itsy Bitsy Spider which I think is pretty cute.  For little ones like my nephew, Hunter, who love the traditional Itsy Bitsy Spider, this makes the perfect second verse to keep the smiles going.

The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout.
(climbing spider hands)
To ask the great big universe what life was all about.
(palms up at shoulders)
The stars in the sky said everything was great.
 (flicking fingers like little starbursts overhead)
So the itsy bitsy spider went OM
(namaste hands overhead)
to meditate.
(elbows on knees palms up)

1 comment:

Tegan Henry said...

i like. think it would fly with 20 kindergarteners?