Thursday, December 9, 2010


The flu bug blew through the Ellis apartment this week.  It started on Tuesday night.  It was the lighting of the Holiday tree at Bleeker St. Park.  I planned to get off work a little early and meet our nanny there with Annabelle.  Upon arrival to the park, I said a quick hello to some of my mommy friends, and quickly scanned the crowd for my little one.  She was nowhere to be found.  I headed home to find Annabelle with sunken red eyes, a yellow-ish tone, nauseous.  Nothing is sader than seeing your little girl throw up.  I had know idea that tiny little humans have the exact reactions as their adult counterparts when sick.  Poor little dumpling.  She tossed and turned all night and we tried to comfort her.  Thankfully her six month check up was the next morning so we could get a professional opinion on what to do.  While waiting for her appointment, A. lost her cookies all over the waiting room - a real treat for the other parents waiting.  The doctor assured us that the stomach virus was going around and to watch for dehydration by giving her Pedialyte at intervals throughout the day.  She weighed in at just 14 pounds, lighter than I expected, but the doc said not to worry, and that she is just long and lean (she is still in the 84% for height - Nate says she is lean and mean).  The doc also warned that the virus is contagious and to be careful.  Turns out the doctor was right and by 3:00 am, I was feeling the symptoms, followed by Nathan around 5:00.  Both of us were down for the count and could not have been more happy to see the nanny walk through the door at 8:15.  We hope she doesn't catch the bug next. Throughout the day Annabelle showed signs of improvement and by her evening bath she was smiling and laughing again.  Nate and I are still ache-y break-y, but hoping to kick this darn bug by tomorrow.  My best lady, Dion, arrives for a visit tomorrow and it would be terrible for us all to be sick.  Plus she went through this with her own little ones a few weeks ago.

Keep your fingers crossed that team Ellis is on the mend.

1 comment:

Tegan Henry said...

oh i hate the bug!! i'm still holding a grudge since that nasty thing stole one of my flower girls on my wedding day. hope you're all on the up and up!!!