Saturday, February 19, 2011


So I promised an update on the V-Day dinner, and I must say it was superb, but unfortunately Nathan and I can't take the credit.  After work, I charged over to the Chelsea Market to pick up our fresh lobster. The seafood market was packed to the brim - apparently we were not the only ones who thought lobster would make a special Valentine's treat.  People were lined up, poised to get their hands on a red hot lobster fresh from the steaming pot.  Hmmm.  We had planned on steaming the little dude ourselves, but there they were, in all their glory: freshly steamed lobsters, with a nice fish monger offering to crack them for you.  I quickly assessed the situation and decided that I might as well buy the freshly steamed/cracked variety rather than take the time to do it myself.  Anyways, we had "cheaters lobster" and it was delish.  Don't be fooled by the pic below - we threw the lob back in hot water just to heat it up before we ate (I think Nate just wanted to use the lobster pot!)
Annie E had a nice Valentine's Day as well, though she slept through the lobster festivities.  She started off her day playing with her red and white puppy that Nani mailed to her and wearing the V-Day hat that I knit for her for the occasion.  She then spent the afternoon with her little friends at her playgroup where they had a mini Valentine's party.  xo

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