Wednesday, February 24, 2010


This morning I looked out my bedroom window to see somber grey skies, white barren trees, puddles and slush. There was not a hint of green or nature anywhere in site, nor has there been for the past three months. The day, not even an hour old, seemed barren and bleak. Since moving to New York, I have noticed I feel a certain yearning this time of year. The yearning sets in when the days are short, the temps are freezing and spring feels yet a long way off. Typically at the end of Feb and beginning of March, when this restlessness sets in, it is time for a get-a-way -- an escape to somewhere where the sun is shining, lush vegetation flourishes and a coat is not required. Nathan and I have made a plan for such an escape and are taking off first thing Friday morning for Puerto Rico. That is, of course, weather permitting. Tomorrow’s weather calls for “a wintery mix” (words that never used to be used together in my vocabulary) which involves rain, sleet, wind, and flurries eventually turning into snow showers by evening. We are hoping the storm will pass quickly and our plane will be able to depart for calmer skies without any delays.

I am looking forward to sporting my new bikini (Size L – courtesy of my new pregnancy-induced ta-ta’s), sitting on a raft in a pool, and reading a good book that has nothing to do with Marketing. Nate, on the other hand, is looking forward to getting his shred on – is claiming the waves will be 6-8 feet – good conditions! Hopefully this 5 day mini-vaca will pump us with enough sunshine to survive the remaining weeks of winter.

1 comment:

Tegan Henry said...

:( in reference to the flight update