Friday, February 19, 2010


Last night on my way to co-worker’s go-away party, I passed this exhibit on the corner of 47th and Lex. It seemed so out of place that I could not help but stop for a double-take.  The installation is comprised of eleven clones of a human body: a pregnant female torso with the same male head attached to each of them. A quick Google search later to find out more about the artist's work revealed the following:  The casts were taken from a mold made from the artist's body one week before she gave birth to her daughter.

"During my pregnancy with my daughter, and afterwards when I was nursing her, I noticed how curious her father was about my experiences," recalls Amorós. "I wanted to create a piece around motherhood, and the unbridgeable gulf between the male and female bodies, specifically in the area of reproduction. Then I began to imagine ways in which that gulf might be bridged."

Just a little culture to inspire my Thursday evening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great after looking at her website (pretty amazing peruvian artist. grimanesa Amoros also created an installation You cannot feel it...wish you could. I recommend following this talented artist, her youtube video link.