Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Just prior to flying to California for the Holidays, we went for our second ultra sound screening where we saw little sprout doing her thing – kicking and waving. The 16 week ultra sound is where we got to find out the sex of the baby. Rather than find out then and there, we had the ultra sound technician write down the sex in a card that we could open on Christmas morning for a wonderful present. Well, we couldn’t wait until Christmas morning, so we had my grandma open the card during Christmas Eve dinner to reveal we are having a BABY GIRL! We are thrilled and totally surprised. Nate is one of 9 males in a row on the Ellis side. His cousin, Caroline, broke the male chain some 19 years ago, however, we couldn’t help but think the Ellis male gene was all too prevalent. Our baby girl will make the 2nd girl in a row on the Ellis side – so perhaps we are seeing a new trend! At Christmas we were also delighted to hear that my brother, Jamie, and his girlfriend, Katherine, will be having a BOY three weeks before us. Grandma Bonnie was thrilled to get one of each!

On a not-so-positive note, the ultra sound revealed that I have what they call placenta previa, where my placenta is covering the cervix. Placenta previa can be marginal, partial or complete. I unfortunately have the “complete” version, which is the worst of the three and means the placenta is completely covering the cervix. From what I understand placenta previa is a fairly common occurrence and in most cases as the placenta grows it will move away from the cervix on its own, giving the baby room to be delivered the old-fashioned way. We are crossing our fingers this will happen. If it does not move on its own I will have to have a C-Section delivery, which I sincerely hope is not the case. The doctor will monitor its position as my pregnancy progresses. In the meantime, absolutely no strenuous exercise and no heavy lifting. So…the next 4 ½ months I will be taking it easy… taking care of me and our girl.

Today we had our 18 week check up, and our girl looks like she is doing just fine. She is about 5 ½ inches long – about the length of a bell pepper – and weighs about 7 ounces. I have not felt her moving yet, but Dr. Henry says I probably will by next week. Can’t wait!


ShesThatOneGirl said...

So happy for you! She will have great style for sure! Have you picked out a name yet?

Amanda said...

You'll love it when you can start to feel her move! It's the neatest thing. :)