Sunday, March 14, 2010


Tomorrow officially marks my 7th month of pregnancy. According to the books our girl is as big as a Chinese cabbage. Since I had no idea what a Chinese cabbage looks like I included a picture for reference. She is about 15 inches from the top of her head to her heals and she can now blink her eyes that are adorned with eye lashes. She continues to move around and it is really cool to see my tummy actually move with her. Particularly in the evenings when I am sitting still, Nate and I get a kick out of seeing my middle make little bumps, shakes and wave motions.

I am still feeling good though everyday my body looks more and more foreign to me. I no longer have a waist though I can still fit in most my pants provided I use a rubber band to secure them closed at the top. I must say, though, maternity pants definitely are a more comfortable option. The number one question peeps ask me after is it a “boy or a girl”, and “have you picked a name”, is “have you had any cravings?” I have abandoned my first trimester peanut butter craving, but still crave cereal on a daily basis. I also have a new found love for fruit, particularly melon, though I have yet to buy it and cut it up myself.

We go for another ultrasound at the screening facility on Wednesday to see if the previa (that Nate now refers to as “the mini van” after the Toyota Previa) has progressed away from the cervix. We are keeping our fingers crossed. More later…

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