Monday, March 8, 2010


After 3 canceled flights we finally were able to hop a plane during a break in the storm.  Jet Blue delivered us safely on the Northwest coast of Puerto Rico early last Saturday morning giving us 5 full days of sun and surf.  Nate and I were both pleasantly surprised with PR.  We chose our destination based on the close vicinity to NY and had fairly low expectations going in.  What we found was a little paradise of pristine beaches for me to relax on, a handful of wave breaks for Nate to surf, and delicious fresh fish to grub.  Given the quick flight and the warmth of the sun, I can definitely see us returning next year for a quick getaway con bambina.  Here are some pics from our trip. 

1 comment:

Tegan Henry said...

and i can see your ankles! Puerto Rico must have been just what the doctora ordered ;)